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中国一座寺庙的 Ispucr 和 hucr 节

Photos image 中国一座寺庙的伊斯普克尔和胡克尔节。据了解,三、四世纪时的伊朗南部,该节日旨在祈求风调雨顺,仪式时画上刻有村长的热情。从海滩方向看,节日快结束了,乌云密布,大雨袭来,让长辈们感到凉爽。这个节日在公元3世纪受到尊崇和发展,近500年后,由于流沙和流沙的影响而被遗忘。沙漠中的湖泊影响了建筑工程,因为当时建造房屋是为了适应沙漠炎热干燥的气候,所以渐渐地,从那时起,沙漠中的湖泊也变成了石油蒸发的地方。 在现代,每个有机会到伊朗南部旅行的人都知道这一点。                          VN =>Lễ hội ispucr và hucr tại một ngôi đền tại Trung kỹ theo được biết thì ở Nam iran thời thế kỷ 3 - 4 lễ hội nhằm mục đích cầu mưa thuận gió hòa và với niềm hăng say của trưởng làng được tạc trên bức vẽ khi lễ hội gần xong từ hướng bãi biển thì mây đen kéo đến cùng với mưa to làm cho trưởng lão mát dạ lễ hội được tôn vinh và phát triển từ thế kỷ 3 và gần 500 năm sau thì bị mai một lãng quên do nhiều cát lún và tạo ra hồ nước trên sa mạc ảnh hưởng tới công trình xây dựng do thời bấy xây dựng nhà cửa hợp với khí hậu khô nóng của sa mạc nên dầng bị may một từ đó về sau chỗ hồ nước trên sa mạc cũng biến thành một chỗ thoát hơi của dầu. Thời hiện đại ai có dịp du lịch tại nam iran ai cũng biết. Photos img 很少能欣赏到希腊少女的瑰丽之美,一

Ancient worship rituals dating back to the Middle Ages

 Abbreviated term for ancient worship rituals around the Middle Ages after the founding of the Yuan period and after the fourth period of Han domination and the period of the Roman empire and after the decline of the Egyptian empire summarizing a function They all returned to Rome and Egypt. After a period of prosperity, the Roman Empire gradually declined, leaving behind a descendant named Ducai laila along with the customs of conechieng, meaning tribute, and showing dependence on conechieng, meaning currency. class from top to bottom and class-based understanding of the most Hung Thinh Aoai ie (dignity) customs in the 1st and 2nd centuries were gradually forgotten in people's memories so they were called conechieng to In the 19th century, it was destroyed in Egypt and prosperity returned in Greece due to the innovation of the newly crowned Aivacn in Greece. It was started and recreated the character order of ancient Roman texts, so when who When mentioning Aivacn, everyone lo

The ray of hope for life and peace is everywhere, the path is a ray of true fork

A ray of hope, life and peace, everywhere, a ray of true fork or a disappointment, a ray of new light, hope or faith, belief from afar, sheep looking in the wrong direction, afraid to take a step to return to the right direction, right place. the one who waits, don't go in the right direction, the enemy, the one who waits, the smoke is gray, the night sky is still, tucrcart catches the sunlight, the bright sun gradually dispels the dazzling darkness, the shade is the coolness to protect life, so it gradually sinks like the light. At dusk, the darkness will invade the village and the village's sunset rising under the sea will soothe the enemy's anger. Those who stand up will protect the next generations. The shade and the sky will lull us to sleep. So, no? Sweet love, the scent of clams and the scent of strawberries. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your love, but why is your back black, and the one who is grateful and the one who is grateful gradually

ra era atenra ani anny mental peace when using formal etiquette animal Rikki Rikai Risk Ri animal ra era atenra ani anny

Marcia Jamille photos image  The supreme way of expressing the love of the gods era and ieura and his daughter named pucr and the last one named Aten what was done as the construction and demonstration of high faith to prove the resistance fighting and going through life as well as the generation of a strong and courageous woman named era"a custom to demonstrate the resilience and courage of older women according to social class at that time" and translated fish terminology  characters according to the language of that time ; ieura , era , pucr , aten , easy "flower catching the sun" , rikai , Rikki , Đuon,taN,toN, ritp "forecast of the first year era after the initiation of the sect" Rikki rai "initiation of hilap people will win the first year 994 war congestion restore order honor the children the leader must honor the superior god ra ieura era es pucr aten " aten kai es pucr prediction of constant fighting year of the beginning of th

Message sent to the universe by signal frequency by placing funnel and ancient stone translated from: pirt postk

Pritannica photo img   The term pucr continur in modern ancient texts we call science,  century, era, contemporary fantasy figurative, an ancient custom called enchantment super enlightenment bisexual gender modesty homosexual gender The protection that creates scientific bases is sometimes great, the effigies of crops, including egg-laying chickens, must be surrendered to superiors and gods to be protected and create powers to send messages to the universe. Message sent to the universe by signal frequency by placing funnels and ancient stones translated from: pirt postk, Universe, star, titan, decrease, heat, degree, zone, temperate, temperate, autumn-winter evil, ar , atur , intelligence , intelligence , theory , theory , law , argument , force , { conduct , return , detect } law of attraction) 2.6ritan) smoriti yellow sand smoten white sand, pririti void } tray , the bestowing blessings, messages sent to the universe, sat, thunder, lightning, favor, admiration, smooth sailin

The great yuan tula technique, the world's leader, is the great believer

Great technique of tula photos image  9 9 9 9 9 Hui Wei , Soul Tail , great tail , world tail , technique tail , world tail , 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 world tail , {qi} tail , great technique tail , tail {great tail} great , great world tail , great world , great introduction world great , great faith world great , great world faith la tula , skill cause , technique , technique {Skills} elite , skill , {star{ Nhue} Beautiful men, Beautiful women, 9 9 tula intelligence vitality, beauty quality, system, effectiveness, wisdom, energy, intelligence, mental blocks of wisdom, wisdom energy, system beautiful men, beautiful women, { picost pirosts, rosts , rost 9999999999 Ti Tan lucacrts , licacrts , ti li IP 99060919 11111112121219} Ticacrts , loopcacrts , tipi riti soop prity pritity tacrt tactics roop {VN9 9 9 9 9 9 Hồi Vĩ , Hồn Vỹ , đại Vĩ , thế Vĩ , kỹ Vĩ , giới Vỹ , 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 thế giới vỹ , {kỳ} kỳ vỹ , Đại kỹ vỹ , vỹ {Đại vỹ} kì vĩ , Đại thế giới vỹ , thế giới vĩ , đại thiệu giới vĩ  ,

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Sacredness 10 Peace

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Sacredness 10 Peace. The steadfast sacredness of an eternal and eternal faith. Giving thanks to those who have bestowed their blessings, each word of advice, repentance, prayer, or forgiveness is sacred to the masses, the three sentient beings or the enlightened beings. Enlightenment and admiration are all sacred. Great men or exiles and servants are blessed by the Lord to be scouted. Three births, three worlds and natural births, enlightenment love instead of admiration for her or the sexual body. Whether it's a poem or a poem, Mo Nhan (Mo pha) is a noble spirit, beautiful spring (quality), the octagonal ego turns the framework of the masses leading to the three lives, the three worlds, the triangle plasma, located in the world of the world. The wise advice according to the truth in the heart of the self, because in front of the turn, the three births, the world, the enlightenment of one's beloved, Khe Da, the district is peaceful, called the three