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Showing posts from April, 2023

Me DaLat coffee garden

Cholchnam nhìn em đưng bóng , Mê DaLat coffee garden , bóng nàng ngang mùi hướng non dại, Trai một thời thơ bông khế vàng, Nàng ấu non mùi mẫn đợi chồng xa. ;Cholchnam looked at me in the shadow, Ma DaLat coffee garden, her shadow in the wild summer season, A young boy with a golden star fruit, A sweet young girl waiting for her husband to leave;

prevent and limit fraud and law violations in the field of foreign labor export

prevent and limit fraud and law violations in the field of foreign labor export. Taipei Taiwan photo   To accomplish the goal of sending 110,000 workers to work abroad in 2023, Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Ba Hoan suggested that the Department of Overseas Labor Management continue to disseminate and implement the law.  the Law on Vietnamese workers to work abroad under contracts and guiding documents for the Law to come to life.  The Department promotes online public services;  continue the work of stabilizing the overseas labor market, strengthening the work of ensuring the lawful rights and interests of workers working abroad.  According to the electronic newspaper of the Communist Party of Vietnam ...