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Showing posts from November, 2022

Three British girls are chill photo The sea is floating in Tra Vinh

Two alleys return to the sea. Three girls bathe in alluvial water, Vong takes the time of wandering to watch her forever look at spring, dream of three girls and husbands, Missing like remembering the sea breeze He came back from fishing.. Three British girls are chill photo The sea is floating in Tra Vinh. translate into Vietnamese: Hai ngõ vổ về sống biển Ba nàng tắm nước phù sa, Vọng đưa thời lưu lạc ngắm nàng nhìn mãi to xuân, mơ màng ba cô đoi chồng, Nhớ nhung như nhớ gió biển Anh động đánh cá trở về.

Star fruit at the beginning of tieucan ngõ

The star fruit tree at the beginning of the alley I picked you up and took, the promise of the oath, a little bit of separation, whoever broke the promise was disappointed for a hundred years.    Caykhe tieucan  Translate into Vietnamese : cây khế đầu ngõ anh đón em đưa, lời hẹn ước thề đôi chút phân ly, ai bội hẹn ước hụt hẫng trăm năm.

Cloudy wind and wind Mây gió phan rua

Fluffy clouds in the sky, the wind remembers forever thousands of years, I go to find a summer place, fragrant forests and blue sky. DaLal photo chill hill coffee  Mây uyển lông vào bầu trời, gió nhớ mãi ngàn năm, co đi tìm nơi hạ ,nương rừng thơm ngát trời xanh. Pharua

Goddess yang reh van anh

At night, yang reh was busy looking for a place to calm down, at the foot of the mountain, the holy woman let her hair fall on her shoulders. Goddess yang reh. The misty forest flowers fluttered down to the lake surface, Yang reh glittered in the wind,Clouds of water hovering over the wind from the heart. ;Đêm xuống yangreh tìm nơi lắng lòng, chân núi thánh nữ buông tóc xõa vai, Hoa rừng mùi sương tuôn xuống mặt hồ,Yangreh trong gió hồ gợn sóng, Mây nước bay lượn theo gió từ ;

Ayangpa rock spring at E sol

The beginning of the village, the end of the village, the sweat and tears of the homeland, The rice field, the coffee. Beautiful scenic rock stream over thousands of years with masterpiece of flow at ayang pa a place with many beautiful mountains simple life and i visited a cofee named Gao throne with many photos here, one The shop owner in Thai H'Leo village is pretty small.

Chu pak waterfall depends on the mother

Chu pak waterfall depends on the mother, Bamboo leaves in the forest are ecstatic in the blue sky, the stigma of the branches is bitter at the tip of the lips, The sunset falls far below the branches, Salty sweat drips into the tea leaves, Greed gently tastes the last sweetness. ;Chu păk waterfall is spicy with mother's milk, Bamboo leaves in the forest are ecstatic with the blue sky, the pistil of the first life is bitter, The sunset is far below the branch, A drop of salty sweat soaked in green tea, gently tasting the last sweetness; ;Thác Chu păk cay sữa mẹ, Lá trúc trong rừng ngây ngất trời xanh, nhụy cành đầu đời đắng  môi, Hoàng hôn buông xa dưới cành, Giọt mồ hôi mặn thấm chè xanh, nhẹ nhàng nếm vị ngọt cuối cùng;

Bitter taste Chupak

Bitter taste Chupak ,, Bitter taste Chupak ,, Chupak waterfall depends on the mother rock, Bamboo leaves in the forest are ecstatic in the blue sky, The stigma of branches is bitter at the tip of the lips, Salty sweat lobes on tea leaves , Evening sunset is far from the branches, Gentle taste sweet at last.;Vị đắng Chupak,, thác Chupak tựa đá mẹ, Lá tre rừng ngây ngất trời xanh, Nhụy cành đắng đầu môi, Mặn mồ hôi thùy lá trà xanh, Hoàng hôn xa lạ cành, vị dịu ngọt ngào cuối cùng; Chupak waterfall   ⁠☯⁠‿⁠☯   no compy share 

The afternoon sun fell down the hill Tuyết Hạ Pleiku

The afternoon sun fell down the hill, Pleiku komtum travel  the dew reaching Van permeated her breath, the stork wings flew to find a place to land, Young melon trees were sparse with blue poplars, the old moon's shadow fell on the double tops, At night, Lang Dak To fell.;Sương giăng Vân thấm hơi thở, Cánh cò bay tìm nơi đậu, Cây mướp non lưa thưa rặng dương xanh, Bóng trăng già rơi ngọn đồi, Đêm LangĐăk Tô rơi ; Tuyet ha camera. Tuyết Hạ does not copy copyrighted images just for viewing and sharing.